R.Harish Navnit
2015-02-11 12:08:49 UTC
Anyone planning to attend ?
Thanking You,
R.Harish Navnit
The Enigma <http://harishnavnit.wordpress.com>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <***@sicsr.ac.in>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Gnunify 15
To: ***@gmail.com
SICSR & PLUG welcome you to GNUnify'15
GNUnify is a premier Open Source Event which aims to propagate the benefits
of Free and Open Source Software. It will provide you with an opportunity
to interact with global experts and icons of the industry.
This year GNUnify will have techie-talks,workshops and community activities
which includes:
Data Analytics with Scientific Python tools
Social networking analysis using big data
Android hacking after rooting
Android Open Accessory Protocol : Greet the external hardware from android
Firefox Addons: Bonus From Mozilla
Firefox OS Architecture
Drupal in a Day!
And many more...
This year the event is scheduled on 13-14 February 2015
Venue: Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research(SICSR)
Atur Center,Gokhale Cross Road,Model Colony,
For more details and free registration, Please visit http://gnunify.in
Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/gnunify .
Hope to see you during the workshop.
Contact us on Ph: +91 020-2567 5601
With warm regards,
Team GNUnify
*This email is governed by the Disclaimer Terms of SIU which may be viewed
at* http://www.siu.edu.in/downloads/email-disclaimer.php
Anyone planning to attend ?
Thanking You,
R.Harish Navnit
The Enigma <http://harishnavnit.wordpress.com>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <***@sicsr.ac.in>
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Gnunify 15
To: ***@gmail.com
SICSR & PLUG welcome you to GNUnify'15
GNUnify is a premier Open Source Event which aims to propagate the benefits
of Free and Open Source Software. It will provide you with an opportunity
to interact with global experts and icons of the industry.
This year GNUnify will have techie-talks,workshops and community activities
which includes:
Data Analytics with Scientific Python tools
Social networking analysis using big data
Android hacking after rooting
Android Open Accessory Protocol : Greet the external hardware from android
Firefox Addons: Bonus From Mozilla
Firefox OS Architecture
Drupal in a Day!
And many more...
This year the event is scheduled on 13-14 February 2015
Venue: Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research(SICSR)
Atur Center,Gokhale Cross Road,Model Colony,
For more details and free registration, Please visit http://gnunify.in
Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/gnunify .
Hope to see you during the workshop.
Contact us on Ph: +91 020-2567 5601
With warm regards,
Team GNUnify
*This email is governed by the Disclaimer Terms of SIU which may be viewed
at* http://www.siu.edu.in/downloads/email-disclaimer.php